Phase measuring device based on coincidence method
Journal Title: Вісник НТУУ КПІ. Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування - Year 2013, Vol 0, Issue 53
Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine perceptivity usage of the coincidence method for the implementation of phase measuring device. It was necessary to establish the structural elements of the measuring device. The main part. In article main types of digital phase measurers based on nonius measuring are shown. One-time nonius measurer is shown as low accuracy measurer. Multi-time nonius measurer allows to increase accuracy. This type of measurer allows fast measuring by executing in parallel multiply nonius generators, but requiring to work with special schemes to detect errors in case of wrong impulse width's. The coincidence method is known for a long time and now actively used for frequency measurement of signals. Used method is based on several coincidences of incoming and base signals. Drawback of method is dependence of measurement time and expected accuracy. In this paper the scheme for usage for measurement of a phase shift angle with usage of a coincidence method is offered. It is shown that for measurement of a phase shift by this meth-od there is no necessity for frequency measurement of the incoming signal, as it is necessary for other implementations of digital measurement of a phase shift. Conclusions. The result of research shows the block diagram of device for measuring of phase shift angle using the coincidence method. The resulting device can receive the angle of phase shift with any duration of time measurement. Moreover, the longer the time of measurement, the greater accuracy expected.
Authors and Affiliations
K. Horiaschenko, I. Hula
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