Phenomenological ontology component of social reality

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article reveals the ontological foundations of the of social reality. Consideration of this issue, in authors opinion, should begin with the analysis of the ontological knowledge. Traditionally, if you ask what is an ontology, it is usually followed by an answer: the doctrine of being. The author believes that in modern philosophy there is no single definition of ontology and existence, and there are different types of ontological systems in which the notion of being received different interpretations. The modern social and cultural situation of modern man requires mobility and adequate response to the requirements of modern society, and put it in front of the need to revise the traditional goals and targets. The differences in interpretations are not accidental, because the plants are the result of consciousness, which are the basis of our understanding of reality and present it as a rule, the «default». Our ontological orientation determines the depth of mental structures and meanings, which are not always obvious to ourselves and rationally conclusive. That is itself an ontology selection procedure is beyond the scope of rational discourse and argumentation. The author notes that as opposed to theoretical axioms and principles, the settings are not introduced randomly thinker and fundiruyutsya and approved by the scientific community and play a role of some of the absolute prerequisites are generally not articulated and defined explicitly.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuriy Kravtsov


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How To Cite

Yuriy Kravtsov (2016). Phenomenological ontology component of social reality. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 3-11.