Physical and motor development of preschool children in aspect of short stature


Introduction: Anthropometric research of morphological traits and motor ability are recommended in many environmental areas, inter alia among children. Aim of study: 1. To determine morphological diversification of preschools children aged 3-6 years with proper body height and with short stature. 2. Physical developmental assessment of children in relation to physical fitness. Material and methods: The investigation was carried out in one of Poznań preschool, in 2007. It included 165 children, therein 93 girls and 72 boys, aged 3-6 years. To short stature group of children entered the ones with body height below 10 percentiles. In connection with it, there were 9% of short girls and 14 % of short boys. The analysis was performed for 2 group of children – with proper body height and with short stature girls and boys. Conclusion: 1. There was significant diversification within all morphological characteristic in girls and only in body height in boys. 2. It was found that body height has an influence on motor abilities. Children with proper body height have higher motor fitness level in relation to short stature children (both girls and boys). Short stature girls have worse motor fitness in all trials. Short stature boys are much better in one speed trial. 

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Krzykała, Urszula Czerniak, Anna Demuth


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How To Cite

Magdalena Krzykała, Urszula Czerniak, Anna Demuth (2008). Physical and motor development of preschool children in aspect of short stature. Endokrynologia, Diabetologia i Choroby Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozwojowego, 14(3), 135-140.