Physical Characterization and Stratification of Urban Landscape by Mapping Case: Mexicali, Baja California


The objective of this paper was to establish urban units, to study the landscape of Mexicali city and to define its physical characteristics. The method of mapping was utilized, to observe the territory using physical urban variables and socioeconomic strata that allowed relating the living possibilities of neighborhood inhabitants. The results show different territorial situations, through thematic maps by reading, between variables, interpreted through the concept of landscape in its actual situation. Aspects such as land use (zoning), urban structure and presence of green areas are observable, in a simplified way through this technique. The conclusion is that, the variables that matter for the study of urban landscape, corresponds to anthropic facts, where the domination of residential land use, is a starting point for landscape analysis, as it interacts with other observable uses: industry, commercial corridors, commerce and green areas.

Authors and Affiliations

Cosme René Arreola Valle, César Ángel Peña Salmón, Jorge Augusto Arredondo Vega


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How To Cite

Cosme René Arreola Valle, César Ángel Peña Salmón, Jorge Augusto Arredondo Vega (2017). Physical Characterization and Stratification of Urban Landscape by Mapping Case: Mexicali, Baja California. BEST : International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering ( BEST : IJMITE ), 5(7), 1-8.