Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 1


Background. The manifestations of osteoporosis, such as fractures, pain, disorders of gastrointestinal and respiratory func-tion, and postural deformities, become evident only after a number of years. Appropriate and regular physical activity makes it pos-sible to ameliorate these signs and symptoms.The goal of the present study was to determine whether a 3-month bone-strength-ening exercise programme can reduce the negative consequences of osteoporosis by increasing mobility in the joints of the pe/wc and shoulder girdles and the spine and improving rib cage mobility.Materiał and methods. The study was carried out at the St. Elizabeth Centrę in Ruda Śląska and involved 30 patients with osteoporosis confirmed by densitometry The patients were divided into a study group and a control group on the basis of their involvement in the bone-strengthening exercise programme. Both groups underwent physical examinations. The following param-eters were evaluated: raising the upper limb forwards through flexion and sideways through abduction, flexion and abduction of the lower limb, sagittal and forward bending of the trunk (finger-floor test) and mobility of the rib cage. Results. The programme of bone-strengthening exercise was shown not to make a significant difference in the parameters of the locomotor system evaluated. Nevertheless, positive changes had been maintained with a tendency towards improvement in the following parameters: raising the upper limb forwards through flexion (41% improvement), mobility of the rib cage (40% improve-ment), and raising the upper limb sideways through abduction (33% improvement). Conclusions. A programme of physical exercise designed to strengthen bones exerts a positive effect slowing down the pro-gression of osteoporosis and may even improve the patienfs overall musculoskeletal health.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Nawrat, Ewa Zmudzka- Wilczek


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Nawrat, Ewa Zmudzka- Wilczek (2009). PHYSICAL EXERCISES TO AMELIORATE THE SEQUELAE OF OSTEOPOROSIS. Fizjoterapia Polska, 9(1), 69-74.