Physical status of soils of Park Ludowy in Lublin

Journal Title: Acta Agrophysica - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 2


A study was conducted on the physical properties of anthrosols in the Park Ludowy in Lublin. Soil samples for analyses were taken from five pedons, from layers of 0-25, 25-50 and 50-75 cm, into cylinders with volume of 100 cm3. Determinations included the bulk density of the soils, particle density, and water capacities at states of high and low water potential. Calculations of total porosity, retention of productive water and water usable for plants, as well as of air capacities at various states of water potential were performed. The physical status of the soils in the Park, formed as an effect of intensive anthropogenic activity, and especially of the introduction of large amounts of foreign material – sugar beet flume mud and loess, should be assessed as very good. The soils were most often characterised by very low bulk density, very high total porosity, full water capacity and field water capacity, very high and high retention of water usable for plants and productive water, and by diversified field air capacity – from low to excessive.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska, Anna Słowińska-Jurkiewicz


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  • EP ID EP477016
  • DOI 10.31545/aagr/93033
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How To Cite

Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska, Anna Słowińska-Jurkiewicz (2018). Physical status of soils of Park Ludowy in Lublin. Acta Agrophysica, 25(2), 213-225.