Physical training during haemodialysis: a review of subject literature
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2010, Vol 14, Issue 3
Background: Individuals chronically haemodialysized have a reduced physical ability. For around 30 years attempts have been undertaken at motor rehabilitation of this population.Aim: The aim of the work is an analysis of the course and effects of training programmes conducted during haemodialysis in individuals with chronic kidney disease.Method: A review of data bases was conducted – Science Direct, SPORTDiscus, Medline, Academic Search Complete – through the application of key words connected with the type of physical training undertaken during haemodialysis and its effects. 26 research projects underwent analysis, these being divided into three groups: non-controlled research work of the ‘before-after’ type, controlled research, and controlled research with randomization. In the two first groups a single research project was included with a heterogeneous research group i.e. those subjected to peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis (HD+CAPD).Results: Patients were offered various forms of training. The most often was continuous endurance training on a ergometer cycle, to which were added in some pieces of research resistance training and/ or coordination exercises. In total 407 patients completed the training programmes in all the tests. The length of the programmes oscillated from 2 to 40 months. In 16 of the 26 programmes the training was conducted during the first two hours of the haemodialysis treatment. In eleven projects it lasted from 30 to 90 minutes. The intensity of the training sessions was expressed in % HRpeak of the exercise test or by means of the Borg Scale. As a result of the programmes conducted an array of benefits were achieved: improvement in physical fitness, improvement in the composition and function of skeletal muscles, reduction in the factors causing cardiovascular illness risks, improvement in the quality of life, enhanced haemodialysis affectivity.Conclusions: Physical training during haemodialysis is beneficial for patients with chronic kidney disease. Movement therapy effectively helps dialysis therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Chojak-Fijałka, Olgierd Smoleński
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