Physicochemical and structural features of the structure of enamel of permanent teeth and their hereditary conditionality

Journal Title: ScienceRise: Medical Science - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4


Aim. To determine the degree of influence of hereditary factors on the physicochemical and morphofunctional features of tooth enamel as a factor determining caries resistance or susceptibility to the carious process. Methods. To solve the problem, the degree of hereditary and environmental conditioning of the physico-chemical and structural properties of the enamel of intact and carious teeth was analyzed using the method of electron paramagnetic resonance on teeth removed by indications of a twin sample (30 monozygotic and 30 dizygotic pairs of twins). The method of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) allows one to obtain unique information about microscopic and macroscopic properties of tooth enamel, which cannot be obtained with the help of X-ray diffraction, spectral and other analyzes. Result. We found that the concentration of paramagnetic centers formed after irradiation is generally 1.5-2 times higher in enamel of carious teeth than in intact ones. The value of K, which characterizes caries susceptibility, is most pronounced when comparing the concentration of free radicals in the enamel of intact and carious teeth; incisors on the vestibular surface (1.35), in molars in the cervical region (1.97). As is known, the radiation resistance of solids can be characterized by the concentration of paramagnetic centers formed after irradiation. This stability, in turn, is related to the structure, chemical composition, strength of chemical bonds. Analysis of the results of twin studies showed that the intraparity differences in the concentration of free radicals of the F-center of the corresponding parts of the enamel of teeth in monozygotic pairs were significantly lower (1.6) than in identical sites of dizygotic twin pairs (7.0). High values of the heritability index (H-0.81) give grounds for making a conclusion about the significant contribution of hereditary factors to the indicator under study Conclusions. The physico-chemical and morphological properties of the enamel determine the susceptibility or stability of the teeth to carious lesions and experience a high degree of hereditary influences (H-81, H-0.95). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the structure of the enamel is genetically determined. This indicates the need for an individual approach to the implementation of preventive measures with the allocation of risk groups to tooth decay

Authors and Affiliations

Philip Savransky, Svetlana Chigarina, Petr Grishin, Roman Simakhov, Maxim Khaikin, Elena Kalinnikova


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  • EP ID EP646441
  • DOI 10.15587/2519-4798.2018.132700
  • Views 176
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How To Cite

Philip Savransky, Svetlana Chigarina, Petr Grishin, Roman Simakhov, Maxim Khaikin, Elena Kalinnikova (2018). Physicochemical and structural features of the structure of enamel of permanent teeth and their hereditary conditionality. ScienceRise: Medical Science, 0(4), 52-57.