Physiological and biochemical body reaction in alpine skiers during 7-day training in high mountains

Journal Title: Medycyna Sportowa - Year 2010, Vol 26, Issue 5


Background. The goal of the paper was to evaluate the effect of 7-day training in high mountains on the aerobic and anaerobic fitness parameters in alpine skiers as well as the extent and direction of changes in rest nucleotide concentration and metabolic reaction to test exercise. Material and methods. The sample comprised seven males training alpine skiing. The study of aerobic and anaerobic fitness was conducted twice, before the trip to the glacier and immediately after return. The evaluation of aerobic fitness was based on the values of aerobic threshold pathways and the oxygen threshold (VO2max). The parameters were determined using a portable ergospirometer Oxycon Mobile during the treadmill test performed with increasing intensity. 30-second Wingate test was applied for defining oxypurine concentration. During each test, performed under rest and exercise conditions, the blood level of oxypurines, hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid was assayed; lactate (LA) concentration and selected parameters of acid-base balance (ABB) were assayed in the capillary blood. Results. VO2max level during the first and the second test was 47.82±6.02 and 48.21±6.07 ml/kg/min respectively and did not significantly change. After the treadmill exercise test, a significant increase in LA and ABB parameters. The applied training resulted in significant increase (p<0.05) in anaerobic fitness, measured as the value of maximal power in W/kg to 9.74±0.71 and 10.39±0.86 respectively, before and after the event. The training did not cause significant changes in rest and post-exercise values of the measured biochemical parameters.Conclusions. The seven-day training in high mountains favourably affected anaerobic fitness of the skiers without marked changes in the level of their aerobic fitness. The 7-day event was too short to improve exercise metabolism and circulatory-respiratory fitness of the athletes.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Domaszewska, Jakub Kryściak, Tomasz Podgórski, Helena Elegańczyk-Kot, Edyta Michalak, Maria Laurentowska


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Katarzyna Domaszewska, Jakub Kryściak, Tomasz Podgórski, Helena Elegańczyk-Kot, Edyta Michalak, Maria Laurentowska (2010). Physiological and biochemical body reaction in alpine skiers during 7-day training in high mountains. Medycyna Sportowa, 26(5), -.