Physiological and Technological Consequences of Benzyl Adenine (BAP) Application on Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poir.) Productivity
Journal Title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue 4
Some authors have indicated that the reason why benzyl adenine (BAP) stimulates dry matter accumulation in squash and pumpkin is unclear, but we believe that two possibilities are likely: (i) higher photo-assimilate partitioning towards the shoot; or (ii) increased in the photosynthetic efficiency of leaves. Thus, the aim of this work was to study the effect of an exogenous BAP spray on biomass accumulation and yield in pumpkin plants grown in commercial facilities. Our results showed that, the relative growth rate of Butternut squash plants grown under commercial plant density did not change and that yield was the same in both BAP-sprayed and control plants. However, a single BAP application decreased leaf size and total leaf area per plant but increased the rate of leaf appearance. Our findings suggest the possibility of an increase in plant populations through changes in crop architecture and an increase in yield on a field area basis.
Authors and Affiliations
P. Della Gaspera, J. Teruel, E. Giardina, A. Di Benedetto
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