Physiological characteristics of women and their influence on criminal behavior

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 32


The article is devoted to analysis of the impact on the criminal behavior of women is their biological characteristics, as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Carried out a retrospective review of the experience of other countries on these issues, as well as medical aspects of the syndrome. It is concluded that in the modern theory of criminal law and practice of criminal justice is not always respected the principle of objectivity in the clarification and study of certain problematic issues. The discussion of PMS from the medical plane and focusing solely on the social and criminological aspects of this phenomenon (and, solely in terms of possible consequences for society and the criminal justice process in General), does not allow for an objective assessment of its role in the mechanism of criminal behavior. In addition, the non-recognition without base research to the reality of this specific features of criminals does not allow in full to realize the principle of individualization of responsibility, the execution of criminal penalties, and to create preconditions to prevent them from committing further crimes in the future. The author argues that PMS can be considered as a circumstance mitigating criminal liability, and in some cases (depending on each specific situation), as the basis for the dismissal of the stay of a person at the time of committing a criminal offence in a certain mental state.

Authors and Affiliations

I. S. Iakovets


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How To Cite

I. S. Iakovets (2016). Physiological characteristics of women and their influence on criminal behavior. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 2(32), 31-49.