Pierre Belon du Mans’ın Filistin Seyahati ve Bitkibilim Tarihi Açısından Önemi

Journal Title: FİLİSTİN ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue


By the end of the sixteenth century France desired to settle its relations with the Ottoman Empire and to gain some privileges like Venice had done. In 1547, François I of France ordered Ambassador Gabriel d’Aramon and his retinue to arrange a journey into the Ottoman lands. The embassy delegation also included various naturalists, physicians and travelers. Pierre Belon du Mans, who believed under the influence of the Renaissance that it was necessary to preoccupy oneself with “science,” travelled east with the delegation of d’Aramon. Belon contributed to the observation of nature through the information on botany and zoology that he collected in Palestine, Anatolia and the Levant. This study deals specifically with the part on Palestine, and the comments and observations Belon made here are gathered from his Les Observations. Plant names are generally given at the species level, in conformance with the contemporary botanical nomenclature, following analyses of the terminology given by Belon and in light of what is known today about the flora of Israel. On the other hand, the names of the plants whose names have proved impossible to identify at the species level are given at the genus-level.

Authors and Affiliations

Elif Çelik, Mustafa YAVUZ


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Elif Çelik, Mustafa YAVUZ (2018). Pierre Belon du Mans’ın Filistin Seyahati ve Bitkibilim Tarihi Açısından Önemi. FİLİSTİN ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ, 3(), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-403876