Place of residence and physical activity as determinants of Polish 6-year-old children’s physical fitness

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 55


[b]Introduction.[/b] The integrity of physical, motor and mental spheres of development determines the necessity of undertaking interdisciplinary research on the assessment of 6-year-old children’s preparation for school education. Among numerous factors affecting “a good start” in the new environment the most significant tend to be motor ability and physical activity. The place of residence is also one of the most important determinants.[b]Aim of the research.[/b] The aim of the research was to determine the level of motor abilities in 6-year-old children at the end of their pre-school education. What is more, the influence of a specific environment on 6-year-old child’s motor development which also determines the level of school readiness, as well as the level of adaptive skills in the first year of primary school have been examined. Additionally, the following question was asked: “Does spontaneous physical activity based on parents’ subjective opinions diversify the level of physical development and motor abilities in 6-year-old children?”[b]Material and methods.[/b] The material is based on the results of research on children born in 2000 and finishing their one-year pre-school education. In total, 33459 children were assessed proportionally in randomly selected samples for each district (approximately 18% of the whole 6-years-old children population attending kindergartens and primary schools in 2007). The measure of physical fitness was taken through EUROFIT Tests of Physical Fitness. The statistical package SPSS 12.0 was applied to analyse the research data. The research material was grouped and statistically analyzed by means of ANOVA – analysis of variance.[b]Results.[/b] Significant disproportions in the level of 6-year-old children’s motor abilities between the groups distinguished by the place of residence, and children’s physical activity reported by their parents were proved.

Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Cieśla, Edward Mleczko, Małgorzata Markowska, Grażyna Nowak-Staż, Halina Król, Zdzisław Domagała, Agnieszka Przychodni, Bożena Zawadzka


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Elżbieta Cieśla, Edward Mleczko, Małgorzata Markowska, Grażyna Nowak-Staż, Halina Król, Zdzisław Domagała, Agnieszka Przychodni, Bożena Zawadzka (2011). Place of residence and physical activity as determinants of Polish 6-year-old children’s physical fitness. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 21(55), 55-63.