Plan Wielunia z 1702 r. Miasto oczami wojskowego kartografa

Journal Title: Rocznik Wieluński - Year 2015, Vol 15, Issue


The above mentioned town’s plan appears on the Swedish map from the times of the Great Northern War. The plan is a part of a larger set of cartography, documenting the march towards Kraków, by the Swedish army led by Nils Gyllenstierna in the summer of the year 1702. A do- cument which is of our interest shows the location of the camp of the Swedish Army during a stopover close to Wieluń, against the topography of the area. There is therefore a layout of the moat walled city and suburbs with their streets and characteristic buildings and network of roads in the area. Document analysis indicates that the plan does not represent a true picture of the city, which could be seen by the Swedish cartographer in the year 1702. The author of the map undoubtedly made a selection of the sites that could be find there, according to some, difficult to ascertain to- day, criterions. For this reason, the plan should not be treated as a current inventory of the city of the year 1702. It cannot therefore form the basis for detailed analysis offered by cadastral maps. Despite some limitations, this document is a valuable source for the study of spatial development of the Wieluń town. From the map of the Swedish cartographer, emerges a picture of the town, where there are clear signs of extensive destruction caused by the fires and the war of the mid- seventeenth century.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Dudak


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Wojciech Dudak (2015). Plan Wielunia z 1702 r. Miasto oczami wojskowego kartografa. Rocznik Wieluński, 15(), -.