Planowana reforma Bundeswehry i jej wpływ na niemiecki przemysł zbrojeniowy

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 1


The German Armed Forces - Bundeswehr set up in 1955 are currently playing a limited role in the security system structure of the state. It is mostly connected with remembering Prussian and Nazi militarism that led to the outbreak of two world wars. Constitutional constrains imposed on Bundeswehr shaped its secondary role for almost four decades (1955-1994). The German army has been currently facing the biggest structural and task reform since its establishment. The changes take place in a special moment for Germany as Berlin is trying to rebuild its overstrained position on the international arena. The German government took decision to carry out the armed forces' transformation due to two circumstances: German army's participation in ISAF mission and consequences of the world economic crisis for Germany. Moreover, German elites believe that Bundeswehr should stop to be restricted to logistic, stabilization or development tasks and become a more expeditionary - combat army that within NATO and EU operations will guarantee accomplishing Germany's long-term political and economic interests.

Authors and Affiliations

Dominik P. Jankowski, Łukasz Polinceusz


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How To Cite

Dominik P. Jankowski, Łukasz Polinceusz (2011). Planowana reforma Bundeswehry i jej wpływ na niemiecki przemysł zbrojeniowy. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2011(1), 320-327.