Platelet Rich Plasma Enriched Fat Myringoplasty: An Office Procedure for Repairing Small Tympanic Membrane Perforations
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 3
Fat myringoplasty is an easy and cost effective office procedure for repairing small tympanic membrane perforations. Platelet isolated from the blood forms a rich autologus source of growth factors. It enhances the healing and graft uptake of fat myringoplasty. A total of 50 patients participated in the study with ranging from 15-45 years. In this study, most common cause of perforation was due to COM (50%), followed by assault (35%), self cleaning (10%) and foreign body (5%). The graft take up rate in our study is 87.5% and a 12.5% failure rate. The air conduction thresholds reduced by 9.375 dB post-operatively.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Nicola C Lyngdoh, Dr Rituparna Saha, Dr Lido Kamgo, Dr Guneshwori Khumanthem, Dr Naeem Ahmed
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