PŁEĆ KULTUROWA W PRAKTYKACH MIGRACYJNYCH: Statistical trends and law regulations of Japanese marriage
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2016, Vol 17, Issue 3
This article will endeavor to examine the process of Japanese marriage through the prismof its law regulations and various requirements, all of which are intrinsic to the formationof a marriage partnership. This will include a range of trends within the sphere of marriageand divorce, numerous examples of documents pertinent and relating to the institutionof marriage, as well as several sociological and economic theories of future trends inmarriage. The article is based on high quality multiple data sources taken from Japanesecensus reports, relevantly social statistics and nationally representative large-scale surveyssuch as the Statistical Handbook of Japan, the Japanese National Fertility Survey and VitalStatistics of Japan (2015), with scientific commentary from fellow researchers in the field.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Jelonek
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