PŁEĆ KULTUROWA W PRAKTYKACH MIGRACYJNYCH: Work-life balance in the Polish migrant families settled in Norway

Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2016, Vol 17, Issue 3


The paper discusses the notions of maintaining work-life balance (WLB) as evidenced inthe interviews with Polish family migrants in Norway. After presenting an overview of theWLB scholarship, we analyse the empirical material collected for the Transfam project. Bylooking at the migrants’ narratives on striking the right balance between work and familyin the mobility context, we use the intersections of gender, welfare and care as paramountfor explain how the Polish couples in Norway discuss the reduced demands of paid employmentfor the sake of childcare and time for a family at home.

Authors and Affiliations

Paula Pustułka, Magdalena Ślusarczyk


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How To Cite

Paula Pustułka, Magdalena Ślusarczyk (2016). PŁEĆ KULTUROWA W PRAKTYKACH MIGRACYJNYCH: Work-life balance in the Polish migrant families settled in Norway. Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 17(3), 71-91. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-213368