The purpose of this thesis is to present, discuss and interpret the thanatological motifs and themes in William Blake’s poem “Vala, or the Four Zoas”, regarded as crucial in understanding his extraordinary vision of the...
Death has always been, is and will remain a mystery for man every day, including man biblical times. Bible ratio for both life and death is full of seriousness. At the corners of the Old Testament, in different ways, ech...
Performance is an occurrence commonly associated with theater, but that concept has a very broad context. Nowadays there are a lot of phenomena we can perceive this way, not just theatrical or quasi-theatrical. If we ass...
Some people are able to give up our addictions day by day, while others hesitate to do that for a years. Some of us could learn upon their mistakes, and others do not see the schemes governing their lives despite explici...
„Nie znajdziesz tam niczego, prócz śmierci”. Symbole tanatologiczne w twórczości Williama Blake’a (na przykładzie poematu „Czterej Zoa”)
The purpose of this thesis is to present, discuss and interpret the thanatological motifs and themes in William Blake’s poem “Vala, or the Four Zoas”, regarded as crucial in understanding his extraordinary vision of the...
„Człowiek zrodzony z niewiasty (…) przemija jak cień, co nie trwa…” (Hi 14, 1a.2b). Śmierć i praktyki funeralne w Biblii (zarys problematyki)
Death has always been, is and will remain a mystery for man every day, including man biblical times. Bible ratio for both life and death is full of seriousness. At the corners of the Old Testament, in different ways, ech...
Czy rzeczywistość posiada strukturę? Część I: Absolut i momenty istnienia
„Performuj albo giń”. Przystanek Woodstock jako performans kulturowy
Performance is an occurrence commonly associated with theater, but that concept has a very broad context. Nowadays there are a lot of phenomena we can perceive this way, not just theatrical or quasi-theatrical. If we ass...
Zdeterminowanie. Czy człowiek (nie)zmiennym jest?
Some people are able to give up our addictions day by day, while others hesitate to do that for a years. Some of us could learn upon their mistakes, and others do not see the schemes governing their lives despite explici...