Poetyka intersemiotyczna a dydaktyka literatury
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
Intersemiotic poetics and teaching literature The article is devoted to intersemiotic poetics derived from the theory of translation, that is the principle of translation described by Roman Jakobson (the interpretation of linguistic signs by means of non-verbal signs). From the reconstruction of research stances, changes in the concepts of the mind, and a new understanding of the processes of perception and metaphor, the Author relates the mechanisms of intersemiotic translation to borderline forms (ekphrasis and audio description) and the principles of teaching. By analyzing selected examples (Jacek Kaczmarski’s ekphrasis and editorial notes to Wisława Szymborska’s poem Utopia), she proves that after rejecting the principles of equivalence and similarity, while simultaneously maintaining the principle of causality, one may look for affinities in deeper semantic layers (amplification, addition) or engage in teaching literature, where intellectual precision is related to the shaping of emotions and skills involved in the multisensual reading of cultural texts.
Authors and Affiliations
Aneta Grodecka
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Pochwała transgresji
Omówienie zjawiska kulturowych i literackich limitacji i transgresji.