The main goal of the article is approaching the peculiar character of Leszek Kołakowski’s textual activities. Polish philosopher used the most important textes of European culture (especially the Bible) to create his own...
The main issue of this article is primarily the paratextual comments by Marguerite Yourcenar made about her novel Memoirs of Hadrian. Paradoxically — despite all the objections of the author against recognising the text...
In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of audiovisual translation (AVT) was only a matter of time. The key four factors which have contributed to this demotic turn incl...
This article is about audio description of works of art. The term audio description is defined at the beginning of the text, next there is a description of how AD began in the United States and in Poland. After that, the...
The article focuses on the history of gendered and sexually oriented readings of Georgia O’Keeffe’s art and her surprisingly trenchant, wry and witty responses to skewed and biased interpretations of her paintings of mag...
Filozof czyta teksty kultury, albo dlaczego zapominamy o Kołakowskim
The main goal of the article is approaching the peculiar character of Leszek Kołakowski’s textual activities. Polish philosopher used the most important textes of European culture (especially the Bible) to create his own...
Facta ficta – wokół apokryficznych Pamiętników Hadriana
The main issue of this article is primarily the paratextual comments by Marguerite Yourcenar made about her novel Memoirs of Hadrian. Paradoxically — despite all the objections of the author against recognising the text...
Participatory Audiovisual Translation in the Age of Immediacy .
In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of audiovisual translation (AVT) was only a matter of time. The key four factors which have contributed to this demotic turn incl...
Audio Description in Fine Arts
This article is about audio description of works of art. The term audio description is defined at the beginning of the text, next there is a description of how AD began in the United States and in Poland. After that, the...
Gender (według) Georgii O’Keeffe: (cudzy) obraz a (własne) słowo artystki
The article focuses on the history of gendered and sexually oriented readings of Georgia O’Keeffe’s art and her surprisingly trenchant, wry and witty responses to skewed and biased interpretations of her paintings of mag...