„Poezja metafizycznych pytań”
Journal Title: Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 2
The review offers a presentation of Marta Flakowicz-Szczyrba’s book Dowód na istnienie. Poezja Julii Hartwig wobec egzystencji i sztuki [A Proof of Existence. Julia Hartwig’s Poetry on Existence and Art], where the lyric oeuvre of the famous poet is placed within the „poetry of metaphysical question.” A particular attention is given to a hermeneutic way of reading the works of the author of Zobaczone [Seen] and to the use of such categories as epiphany, empathy, ekphrasis, apocatastasis in the course of the analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Dutka
Projekt: historia literatury
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