Like many other infections, Dengue is known to cause myocarditis. Dengue myocarditis can be mild or fulminant. Fulminant myocarditis can rapidly lead to end organ damage and even death. We present here an adolescent girl...
Ventilator associated pneumonia is common in adult intensive care units. Pediatric intensive care unit also faces the issue of VAP. Various factors (exogenous and endogenous) are responsible for developing VAP in critica...
Sudha Chandelia (2018). Point of care ultrasound for bedside diagnosis of venous thrombosis in PICU. Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care, 5(1),
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Child with fulminant Dengue Myocarditis survived by ECMO support
Like many other infections, Dengue is known to cause myocarditis. Dengue myocarditis can be mild or fulminant. Fulminant myocarditis can rapidly lead to end organ damage and even death. We present here an adolescent girl...
Ventilator Assosciated Pneumonia
Ventilator associated pneumonia is common in adult intensive care units. Pediatric intensive care unit also faces the issue of VAP. Various factors (exogenous and endogenous) are responsible for developing VAP in critica...
Recurrent Guillain-Barre Syndrome in a pediatric patient - Residual opthalmoplegia that recovered with IV immunoglobulins : A case report
Guillain-Barré syndrome(GBS) is the most common and most severe acute paralytic neuropathy, with about 1,00,000 people developing the disorder every year worldwide. Under the umbrella term of Guillain-Barré syndrome are...
Usefulness Of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostics In Diagnosis And Management Of Critical Infections In Picu- A Single Center Retrospective Analysis
Feasibility of initiating enteral nutrition support with first 24 hours of congenital heart repairs in neonates and Infants and its impact on outcomes following surgery : A Pilot study