Poland and global threats
Journal Title: Papers on Global Change IGBP - Year 2016, Vol 23, Issue 23
This essay seeks to present the specifi cs of global threats, as well as the reasons for them being universal in nature, and for their persistence. A certain classifi cation of the threats is also engaged in. At the same time, an attempt is made to show the specifi c threats present – irrespective of their global counterparts – in different regions, and even in different states. The genesis and nature of the latter are demonstrated in a somewhat ad hoc manner by reference to the threats considered to face Poland. If the global threats are truly universal, and arise out of the changes taking place around the world in the last half-century (primarily around the twin phenomena of globalisation and the information revolution), a specifi c reverse kind of situation applies to decolonisation, plus the collapse of the communist system and the transformation into market economies that apply to formerly communist countries. Equally, some at least of the threats facing Poland may have even a longer history, given that they are very much infl uenced by past economic and political development, as well as the dominant cultural system.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Kleer
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