Poland Sendromu ile İlişkili Pernisiyöz Anemi ve Gastrik Displazi
Journal Title: Turkish Journal of Hematology - Year 2012, Vol 29, Issue 4
Authors and Affiliations
Erman Aytaç, Ali Durgun, Deram Büyüktaş, Sibel Erdamar, Şeniz Öngören
Erman Aytaç, Ali Durgun, Deram Büyüktaş, Sibel Erdamar, Şeniz Öngören
Nötropenisi Olan Sistemik Lupus Eritematodesli Bir Hastada Paroksismal Noktürnal Hemoglobinüri’ne Benzer Şekilde Azalmış CD55 ve CD59 İfadelenmesi
F-18 [18F]-2-Fluoro-Deoxy-D-Glucose Positron Emisyon Tomografi / Bilgisayarlı Tomografi’de Primer Plevral Diffüz Büyük B Hücreli Non Hodking’s Lenfoma
Dose Adjustment Helps Obtain Better Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma Patients with Bortezomib, Melphalan, and Prednisolone (VMP) Treatment
Objective: Multiple myeloma (MM) has a better survival outcome because of the development of drugs. However, equivalent outcomes cannot be expected from the same drug. Therefore, how the treatment schedule is managed is...
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To the Editor,