Policy Implementation of Military Operations Tasks Other Than War Units Skadron-13/Serbu Puspenerbad in Acceleration of Handling of Covid-19 in Berau, East Kalimantan
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 1
Apart from War Military Operations, the TNI also carries out Military Operations Other Than War (OMSP). The background of this research is to assist the regional government, assist the Republic of Indonesia National Police in the context of security and public order tasks regulated by law, assist in coping with the consequences of natural disasters, evacuation and provision of humanitarian assistance. This qualitative research discusses the implementation of military operations task policies other than the Squadron-13/Serbu Puspenerbad unit war in the involvement in eradicating Covid 19 in Berau, East Kalimantan along with the supporting and inhibiting factors by using the Van Mater and Van Horn theories. Data collection was carried out by interviews, documentation and observation. The results obtained are then collected, reduced, presented and conclusions drawn. The results obtained were that the implementation of military operations task policies other than the Squadron-13/Serbu Puspenerbad unit war in the involvement of the eradication of Covid 19 in Berau, East Kalimantan, has been running optimally and in accordance with applicable regulations. Supporting factors are the number of sufficient and complete personnel, clarity of main tasks and functions, good organizational work relations, implementation of scheduled activities. As well as other adequate and supportive resources. Then there are inhibiting factors, namely the application in the field is still found by people who do not comply with health protocols which affect the number of positive cases of Covid-19
Authors and Affiliations
Fakhri Muhammad, Sri Umiyati, Budi Rianto
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