Policy Implementation of the Village Building Movement in West Java Province
Journal Title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 08
One of the priorities of the West Java Provincial Government is the Village Development Movement (Village Gate). Gates of the Village is a movement to create an independent village, namely a village that is able to build and empower village communities by optimizing the utilization of all village potential, both natural resources, human resources and village infrastructure, through collaboration between the government, community and other stakeholders. The portrait of the implementation of the village development movement policy has not been effective in supporting the achievement of the target of a champion village in West Java Province, this is still found in the Dominant Poor Population in the Village, more Unemployment in the Village, 18 Villages Still lagging behind in Cianjur, Karawang and Tasikmalaya Regencies and only 50 percent villages implementing the Village Financial System. This study uses Muchlis Hamdi's theory (2014) with qualitative methods to understand the depth of the problem. This theory does not merely stand alone, it is also compared with other theories as a complement. Data collection methods were carried out through literature studies, field studies (observations), interviews, focus group discussions, and triangulation data analysis. Informants and resource persons were selected based on their competence on issues related to this research issue. All of the instruments used are expected to be able to get good results. This study found that in addition to the dimensions of productivity, linearity and efficiency of the policy implementation model based on Muchlis Hamdi's theory, a strategy is needed to encourage policy substance, implementing task behavior, network interaction, target group participation, and resources in implementing village development movement policies in the Province West Java. The strategy for implementing the village development movement policy includes elements of collaboration, transparency and innovation. The findings of this study illustrate that in order to create a champion village through the strategy of implementing the village building movement in West Java Province, a Triangel Coltin strategy (collaboration, transparency and innovation) is needed, where the collaboration strategy is carried out using the pentahelix approach by involving academia, the business world, community, government and media . The transfer strategy is to provide education to the community (educate citizen), consult with the community (Delibaretion Partner Community) and always monitor the implemented policies (Monitor Polcies).
Authors and Affiliations
Dedi Supandi, Sadu Wasistiono, Uday Madjid, Andi Pitono
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