Polish adaptation and validation of the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and the Body Sensations Questionnaire

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 4


Aim. The present study aimed at the adaptation and validation of two questionnaires assessing fear of bodily sensations (BSQ; suggested Polish name: Kwestionariusz Doznań Cielesnych [KDC]) and concerns specific to agoraphobics (ACQ; suggested Polish name: Kwestionariusz Myśli Towarzyszących Agorafobii [KMTA]). Method. The study included a total of 82 patients diagnosed with agoraphobia or panic disorder with agoraphobia according to the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV as well as 100 control subjects who did not show the presence of mental disorders. Results. The results showed that both adapted questionnaires meet basic psychometric criteria. The Polish-language versions of the ACQ and BSQ are characterized by a high content validity, internal consistency and showed to be stable over a period of 28 days. Moreover, the factor structure of the Polish version of the ACQ showed to be highly similar to the original version. Conclusions Polish-language versions of the ACQ and BSQ have been found to be reliable and valid research and diagnostic instruments for the assessment of fear for bodily sensations and agoraphobic cognitions. Due to their high efficiency and adequate psychometric characteristics these measures might be very useful in research as well as in the diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic effects.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Michałowski, Paweł Holas


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How To Cite

Jarosław Michałowski, Paweł Holas (2013). Polish adaptation and validation of the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and the Body Sensations Questionnaire. Psychiatria Polska, 47(4), 679-689. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-115060