Political lobbying in Ukraine within legal and security dimensions
Journal Title: Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право. - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue
The article is aimed at the analysis of existing since independence political lobbying processes in the context of their role in Ukrainian political system’s stabilization and national security ensuring. The article discloses specific features of political lobbying model existing in Ukraine from 1991 till 2017 and its influence on state’s political stability and national security. The expediency of legal regulation for political lobbying in Ukraine is substantiated. The legislative initiatives aimed at setting the legal field for political lobbying are analysed both in theoretical and practical dimensions and relying on the experience gained since independence. In various forms of actual implementation, political lobbying is presented within all political systems of the world, and the category of “lobbying” is defined as the process of third parties’ influence (in some situations – pressure) on state power in order to motivate them to make decisions in their own interests. In turn, lobbying actions involve the process of direct interaction between the parties and state authorities. The Ukrainian version of lobbying has always been distorted: on the one hand, it actually exists and defines the substantial part of political decisions; on the other hand, in nowadays’ Ukrainian conditions, its democratic nature is uncertain on the assumption of historical formation factors and the lack of legal regulation. In modern conditions, political lobbying in Ukraine in the line of political communication appears to be unformalized in legal terms, posing a threat of the most destructive to national security form of lobbying domination – criminal. Indeed, in nowadays’ Ukraine, lobbyism is one of the last political phenomena that exists and interacts beyond the legal field.
Authors and Affiliations
В. О. Олексенко
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