Political Modernization in Spain Between 1876 and 1923
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio K: Politologia - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
The advent of democracy in most European countries was preceded by a long constitutional tradition that dates back to the early 19th century. In Spain, the process, that had begun in 1812, was interrupted in 1923 by a military coup. The democracy started eight years later with the advent of the Republic, but with a very unstable political regime in place that eventually led the country into a civil war and four decades of totalitarianism. For many historians though, the constitutional monarchy in Spain, in place since 1876, avoided modernization and democratization. Many critics insure that the mechanisms of political representation; the elections, the political parties, and the election procedure, prevented the constitutional liberalism in Spain to evolve into a full democracy. Along these lines, they claim that every election was the result of the electoral fraud. However, the analysis of the aforementioned factors refutes these assertions and dispels most of the misconceptions that have been accepted until now.
Authors and Affiliations
Alejandro Martínez Relanzón
Anna Fotyga – minister Lecha Kaczyńskiego
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