Political transformation in the Baltic States. Experience for Ukraine
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 11
This article investigates the transformation processes in the Baltic States from the historic perspective (early 90s of the XXth century until 2004) when these states joined NATO and the European Union. Special attention is paid to social and political transformation, creation of states with developed parliamentary system, the rule of law and a special emphasis on the fact that a nation is the carrier of a state. It is defined that during the years of the reforms the Baltic states have passed at least four major transitional stages: 1) the phase of the destruction of the old system of political and economic relations; 2) the stage of political and economic improvisation; 3) the stage of preparation to absorb Western political and economic structures; 4) the period of adaptation and structural adjustment. The uneven implementation of reforms in the three Baltic countries, their achievements and difficulties are analyzed. Common problems that existed in the Baltic countries and Ukraine are highlighted (particularly, a complex of difficult economic, political and social problems, which they inherited after the collapse of the Soviet Union, common borders with Russian Federation and a significant number of Russian-speaking population reside on their territories, energy and raw material dependence on Russia, etc.) and recommendations on how Ukraine can use the Baltic experience in proceedings transformational reforms are presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Marianna Gladysh
Основні результати археологічних досліджень волинських міст епохи Київської Русі у 1991–2010 рр.
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