The National Radical Camp (NRC) in Poland in the midwar period was exceptional phenomenon. In the whole bunch of national assosiations this one was open to new wave of ideas coming from the West, known as national-revolu...
The following article discusses Polish Socialists’ participation in the constitutional debate conducted in the Sejm (1928–1930). In the first part, main motives of the criticism formulated by Socialists against constitut...
The purpose of the article is to present and analyse the role of transfer of military technology, equipment and armaments in mutual military relations between the PRC and Ukraine, as well as its impact on modernization o...
Magdalena Satora (2007). Polityka Francji wobec ZSRR w kontekście problemów Morza Śródziemnego (1936-1937). Historia i Polityka, 0(6),
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Rewolucja na prawicy: działalność Obozu Narodowo-Radykalnego w Wilnie w latach 1934-1938
The National Radical Camp (NRC) in Poland in the midwar period was exceptional phenomenon. In the whole bunch of national assosiations this one was open to new wave of ideas coming from the West, known as national-revolu...
Państwo, demokracja i walka klas. Uwagi na temat udziału socjalistów w debacie konstytucyjnej w sejmie II kadencji (1928–1930)
The following article discusses Polish Socialists’ participation in the constitutional debate conducted in the Sejm (1928–1930). In the first part, main motives of the criticism formulated by Socialists against constitut...
Joanna Sanecka Tyczyńska Państwo obywatelskie i wspólnota polityczna Studium o myśli politycznej Prawa i Sprawiedliwości Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej Lublin 2011, ss. 302
Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People’s Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential
The purpose of the article is to present and analyse the role of transfer of military technology, equipment and armaments in mutual military relations between the PRC and Ukraine, as well as its impact on modernization o...
Religia. Polityka. Naród. Studia nad współczesną myślą polityczną, pod red. R. Łętochy, Kraków 2010