Polityka migracyjna Unii Europejskiej a problem integracji imigrantów w Niemczech, Francji i Holandii
Journal Title: Cywilizacja i Polityka - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 16
Several stages can be distinguished in the EU migration policy. Member States within the European Communities have adopted internal regulations on economic migrants. Since the 1980s, the process of regulating the migration problem by the countries of the European Community has begun. The most important activities are TREVI agreement, Schengen, the TAMPERE Program, the Hague Program, FRONTEX, EURODAC, the Integrated Border Management Fund and the European Return Fund. The European Union has demonstrated a global approach to migration. The migration crisis has influenced the emergence of a new immigrant integration policy in Germany, France and the Netherlands. Contracts have been created for immigrants, which force them to learn a language, take up jobs and adhere to the principles of European values and culture.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Ślęzak
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