Polska pomoc humanitarna w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych Wojska Polskiego
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2013, Vol 24, Issue 1
The Polish Armed Forces have a long record of service in the peacekeeping and stabilization missions as well as in a provision of humanitarian assistance to populations affected and distressed by armed conflicts. Humanitarian assistance itself draws spiritual inspirations from ideals connected to charity. Differences between the two terms are apparent at the level of their origins. However, a sociological factor plays a crucial role here, as it should lead to confidence building and improvement of interpersonal and intercultural relations. As far as missions conducted abroad are concerned, a task of building a strong relation with local populations seems one of the most difficult and complex, predominantly where a mission takes place in a culturally and religiously different area and country. This article provides for an account for missions which were or have been conducted by the Polish Armed Forces with a particular focus on those with a strong humanitarian element.
Authors and Affiliations
Leon Szot
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