The article presents selected Christian values, which play a vital role in the upbringing and shaping of the human personality - love of neighbor, truth, family In addition, it teaches the role of educational environment...
The development of human rights in contemporary world was possible due to the application the achievements of legal philosophers. First of all, medieval thinkers laid the groundwork for today’s organized system of recogn...
It shall be stated in the article that media in the conditions of the emerging information governance become the most influential political institution that shapes public opinion. Their role is not only to disseminate in...
Adam Romejko (2009). Polski Edyp - sytuacja społeczności polskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii w kontekście serialu telewizyjnego Londyńczycy. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 7(7),
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Znaczenie nauki o cywilizacji w wyjaśnianiu wspó³czesnych przemian globalnych
Rodzina i wartości chrześcijańskie jako elementy tożsamości kulturowej
The article presents selected Christian values, which play a vital role in the upbringing and shaping of the human personality - love of neighbor, truth, family In addition, it teaches the role of educational environment...
Rozwój uniwersalnej ochrony praw człowieka
The development of human rights in contemporary world was possible due to the application the achievements of legal philosophers. First of all, medieval thinkers laid the groundwork for today’s organized system of recogn...
Wpływ polskich mediów na kampanię wyborczą
It shall be stated in the article that media in the conditions of the emerging information governance become the most influential political institution that shapes public opinion. Their role is not only to disseminate in...
Gen. Stefan Rowecki – „Grot” – Komendant Główny Związku Walki Zbrojnej (ZWZ) – Armii Krajowej (AK) – sylwetka polityczna