Polymorphism rs7903146 of TCF7L2 gene and occurrence of being overweight and obesity among patients admitted to outpatient clinic
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 4
INTRODUCTION TCF7L2 is linked with the pathogenesis of insulin-resistant diabetes. The participation of the gene polymorphism encoding TCF7L2 in the development of being overweight and obesity is still controversial. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included a total of 476 patients (208 men and 268 women) from southern Poland who sucessively reported to the primary healthcare clinic for medical help. The patients were divided into three groups, depending on girth (control group, obese group, overweight group). In genotyping the TCF7L2 (rs 7903146) polymorphism, fluorescent probes from a prepared set for assaying single nucleotide polymorphism were used: TaqMan Pre-designed SNP Genotypie Assai (Applied Biosystems). AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between the chosenTCF7L2 polymorphism and the prevalence of being overweight and obesity in a population of patients reporting to a primary healthcare clinic. RESULTS The prevalence of being overweight as assessed by waist circumference in the study group was found to be 23.9% while 47.1% of patients were determined to be suffering from abdominal obesity . Our study did not show any significant correlation between the observed rs 7903146 polymorphism of the TCF7L2 gene and the prevalence of being overweight and obesity. Moreover, no significant relationship between the rs 7903146 polymorphism of the TCF7L2 gene and waistline or BMI was found in the entire study group or separately for men and women. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of obesity and being overweight in the examined group amounted to 72.3% (23.9% – overweight and 48.4% – obese). The research did not confirm an association between the studied rs 7903146 polymorphism of the TCF7L2 gene and waist circumference and the prevalence of being overweight and abdominal obesity.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Kała, Izabela Bodek, Oliwia Trelińska, Patrycja Gładysz, Oskar Lepiarczyk, Aleksandra Śmigel, Mateusz Gola, Władysław Grzeszczak
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