Richard Yates is best known for his 1961 novel Revolutionary Road, which speaks clearly and powerfully to questions of home, escape and ultimate entrapment in the suburban idyll of Eisenhower-era middle-class white Ameri...
The aim of the article is to point and characterize the most important functions that food may play in the plot. The emphasis is put on three issues: the role of food in characterization of the characters and their psych...
EP ID EP52732
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Grzegorz Ptaszek, (2015). Pomiar indywidualnych kompetencji medialnych // Pytania i problemy. Kultura Popularna, 3(41),
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Część I: Kino animowane "Od surrealizmu Themersonów po mroczną metafizykę Dumały". Część II: Media a wspólnoty i tożsamości kulturowe. Cały numer
Cały numer: kino animowane<br/><br/>
At Home in Loneliness, Loneliness at Home: Domesticity and the Early Short Stories of Richard Yates
Richard Yates is best known for his 1961 novel Revolutionary Road, which speaks clearly and powerfully to questions of home, escape and ultimate entrapment in the suburban idyll of Eisenhower-era middle-class white Ameri...
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 4 (50) / 2016, Kompetencje medialne II
Kompetencje medialne II<br/><br/>
Spory o przestrzeń. Kilka uwag o uczestnictwie w konflikcie
Filmowe kąski. O przykładowych funkcjach ekranowego jedzenia
The aim of the article is to point and characterize the most important functions that food may play in the plot. The emphasis is put on three issues: the role of food in characterization of the characters and their psych...