Pomiar motywacji do posiadania dzieci wśród osób bezdzietnych. Polska adaptacja Kwestionariusza Motywów Rodzicielskich
Journal Title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 4
The paper describes the Polish adaptation of The Childbearing Questionnaire (CBQ), authored by Warren Miller. The questionnaire measures positive and negative motives for parenthood: general dispositions to react favorably or unfavorably to various aspects of childbearing. We present the theoretical framework of the questionnaire, its content and the process of its adaptation to the Polish cultural setting. Reliability and validity of the Polish version of the CBQ were established in the pilot study on a sample of 203 childless men and women, aged 20-40. We assessed the internal consistency of the subscales and performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to verify the assumed structure of the questionnaire. We applied Structural Equation Modeling to confirm the theoretically expected relations between childbearing motives, desires and intentions. The results document good psychometric properties of the questionnaire, although some suggestions for enhancements and more in-depth studies are also formulated. Key words: Childbearing Questionnaire, childbearing motives, Polish adaptation, childlessness
Authors and Affiliations
Jolanta Rytel, Monika Mynarska
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