Population density of jassids ( Amrasca Biguttula Biguttula ) and thrips ( Thrips Tabaci ) on cotton crop and efficacy of some botanical insecticides against cotton jassids and thrips
Journal Title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1
Experiment on the population dynamics of jassids and thrips on cotton crop and the effectiveness of five botanicals i-e lemon oil, neem oil, neem leaf extract, bitter gourd extract and bakain extract against them was conducted during May to October, 2014 in Research area of Plant protection department in Sahiwal, Pakistan. Results showed that the density of jassids and thrips reached their peak during the second and third week of August respectively whereas the density of both the pests kept on fluctuating in the preceeding and following months. The jassids and thrips population declined in October probably due to the maturity of the crop. The botanicals were applied on plants three times during the experiment, first spray was done when the pests reached the economic injury level and the other two were done at 20 days interval. Maximum percent reduction of jassids was recorded with lemon oil followed by bakain leaf extract and neem oil. Minimum percent reduction of jassids was recorded with bitter gourd extract followed by neem leaves extract. Similarly, for thrips, lemon oil worked maximum in reducing their number followed by neem leaves extract, bitter gourd extract neem oil and bakain leaf extract. Maximum number of thrips and jassids was recorded in the control plot which indicated that all the botanicals had a significant effect in reducing both the pests. Therefore it is recommended that botanicals can prove a good alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides.
Authors and Affiliations
Zahid Latif, Sajjad Ahmed, Kamran Sohail, Laila Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq
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