Poradnictwo zapośredniczone w świetle koncepcji mediatyzacji Winfrieda Schulza

Journal Title: Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue


In this article, the author draws attention to the phenomenon of mediatisation (meaning intensive process of compacting the network of connections between media and society). It is noted that the processes of mediatisation penetrate different areas of life (such as family, political, public life, etc.). The author points out the consequences of these processes in the construction of counselling. The various processes of mediatisation in mediated counselling (counselling in mass media) are identified in the article. The starting point is the concept of Winfried Schulz. The author of the article draws particular attention to the four (sub) processes of social change in which the media play a key role. These are: extension, substitution, amalgamation and accommodation. Each of these processes is identified by the author in mediated counselling. Each of them has an impact on the construction of counselling. The author focuses on such phenomena as: exit counselling beyond time and space, extended availability of tips, "suspended advice", replacing the direct interaction by mediated interaction and even by intermediate quasi-interaction, multiplication of different counselling deals in the next (new) means of mass communication, mixing different types of mediated counselling in a range of media, generating problems.

Authors and Affiliations

Daria Zielińska-Pękał


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Daria Zielińska-Pękał (2015). Poradnictwo zapośredniczone w świetle koncepcji mediatyzacji Winfrieda Schulza. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, 16(), 129-143. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-542169