Porównawcza ocena wyników leczenia alergicznych i niealergicznych nieżytów nosa za pomocą kriochirurgii
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 4
SUMMARY Introduction: The aim of the work was to assess the treatment efficiency in patients with allergic and non-allergic vasomotor rhinitis after cryoablation procedures. Materia! and methods: The study covered 60 patients, including 32 women and 28 men, aged 18-66. The patients were divided into two groups: I — 30 patients with chronic allergic rhinitis, II — 30 patients with non-allergic vaso-motor rhinitis. The study methodology involved: an otorhinolaryngological interwiew with a questionnaire and an allergological interwiew, an objective otolaryngological and rhinomanometrical examination with Homoth apparatus, a subjective evaluation questionnaire for nasal blockage intensification (the scale ranging from O to 10), skin tests to aeorallergens and food allergens (Allergopharma Co.), nasal endoscopy with a straight rigid Eleps endoscope before the treatment and 3 months following it. The cryoablation of nasal conchas was performed under local infiltration anesthesia (1% Xylokaina solution) using the Cryo-S apparatus from CryoFlex Poland Company and a fiat probe in a spatula shape (L-50) that was placed on the outer surfaces of the inferior nasal concha. Results: The inferior nasal concha cryoablation resulted in a statistically sig-nificant improvement in the subjective assessment scale in group I by 82.6% and group II by 141.2%. In the endoscopic examination 3 months following the cryoablation a good nasal patency was achieved in 63.3% patients from group I and 76.7% patients from group II. The conducted studies show a better nasal passages patency in patients with non-allergic rhinitis than in those with allergic rhinitis. Conclusions: Cryoablation procedures on the inferior nasal conchas are not the primary therapy, but together with other methods they can immensely improve the life comfort of a rhinitis patient.
Authors and Affiliations
Hanna Zielińska-Bliżniewska, Marcin Repetowski, Jarosław Miłoński, Jurek Olszewski
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