significance was given to micro-economic factors describing the economic and financial situation of companies rather than to macro-economic factors. However, there is no analysis of the impact of economic sentiment on th...
The article raises that in discussing the future of the Cohesion Policy, an important argument is the effective use of EU funds by Poland from the previous programming periods, i.e., 2004–2006 and 2007–2013. The financia...
Ukraine is a major political and economic partner of Poland. Because of Ukraine’s location on external eastern border with the European Union, this neighbourhood performs also strategic role for the whole Union. The tigh...
Więzi człowieka z miejscem kształtowane są przez wiele czynników wewnętrznych, zależnych od samego człowieka i zewnętrznych — zależnych od cech otoczenia. Jednym z nich może być położenie miejsca względem ośrodków rozwoj...
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the need of taking into account the existence of dual labor markets in the majority of developed countries when analyzing research results on labor immigration. The count...
EP ID EP86498
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How To Cite
Mariusz Poninkiewicz (2011). Portal informacyjny projektu "Lubelski Barometr Gospodarczy". Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy, 2011(2),
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The Economic Sentiment and Dividend Policy in Poland
significance was given to micro-economic factors describing the economic and financial situation of companies rather than to macro-economic factors. However, there is no analysis of the impact of economic sentiment on th...
Effective implementation of the Cohesion Policy: programming experiences in previous periods of Opolskie Voivodeship and a new vision for Cohesion Policy after 2013
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Selected problems of Polish-Ukrainian transborder cooperation
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Labor Market Segmentation as an Important Factor in Research of Labor Immigration. Comparative Analysis Based on the Opolskie Voivodship Empirical Findings
The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the need of taking into account the existence of dual labor markets in the majority of developed countries when analyzing research results on labor immigration. The count...