The aim of the study was to answer the question
about the effectiveness of academic libraries’
Internet usage to meet the needs of the users.
Based on previous research we established
what the main functions fulfilled by...
The aim of this article is to scrutinise the problem of alienation and dislocation in the context of homeliness and norm in the United States after World War II in Patricia Highsmith’s (1921-1955) Strangers on a Train a...
The paper addresses the theme of coldness in Sylvia Plath’s poetry and other writings as a significant element of the construction of imaginary domestic spaces and their linkage to the reminiscences of her American home...
EP ID EP52654
Views 72
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How To Cite
Marcin Napiórkowski (2012). Porywacze psów i kebabowe podziemie. Współczesne mity kulinarne o obcych. Kultura Popularna, 4(34),
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Cyfrowa przestrzeń jako narzędzie organizacji, udostępniania i promocji oferty bibliotek akademickich
The aim of the study was to answer the question about the effectiveness of academic libraries’ Internet usage to meet the needs of the users. Based on previous research we established what the main functions fulfilled by...
Alienation and Dislocation versus Homeliness and Norm in Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train and The Talented Mr Ripley
The aim of this article is to scrutinise the problem of alienation and dislocation in the context of homeliness and norm in the United States after World War II in Patricia Highsmith’s (1921-1955) Strangers on a Train a...
Zasiedlenie polskiej blogosfery przez digital imigrants. O cyfrowych aktywnościach popkulturowych
Obrazy wojny japońsko-rosyjskiej. Retytułowanie programów filmowych poświeconych wojnie rosyjsko-japońskiej w Holandii i holenderskich Indiach Wschodnich
“Why Am I Cold.” Sylvia Plath’s English Home and the American Refrigerators
The paper addresses the theme of coldness in Sylvia Plath’s poetry and other writings as a significant element of the construction of imaginary domestic spaces and their linkage to the reminiscences of her American home...