Постапокаліптичне майбутнє і доля цивілізації в контексті нової готики: роман «Дорога» Кормака Маккарті


This article analyzes main fictional and aesthetic principles of post-apocalyptic future depiction of civilization in the context of neogothics in the novel “The Road” by Cormac MacCarthy. The writer combines elements of the south gothics with a new specific phenomenon called post-apocalyptics. In literary science apocalyptic novel is analyzed according to main subgenres: apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic. Apocalyptic novels discuss approaching of catastrophe (flood, epidemic, etc.). Post-apocalyptic novel presents the world after catastrophe and the core issue is tragedy of civilization on decline background as a result of tragic circumstances and events. The author of the article tries to analyze the typological features of post-apocalyptic novel revealed and connections with neogothics highlighted. The plot and problems of the novel “The Road” are presented taking into consideration phantasmagoric “horrible” images; neogothic characters, who are able to commit terrible crimes; special attention is focused on tragic symbols and allegories; there are a lot of “ciphered” metaphors, which deepens reader into tragic feeling of fatality, spiritual degradation of human and world and even death as a result of unknown catastrophe or cataclysm. The author concludes that genre of the novel “The Road” by Cormac MacCarthy can be defined as entropic post-apocalyptic work in which main features of neogothics are enforced by clue motives of global human catastrophe. Psychological authenticity of characters is based on complicated combination of tragic and dramatic circumstances, where neogothic images of “dead” nature, robbers and rapists create specific atmosphere of “horror” in the novel. Contemporary post-apocalyptic and neogothic novels are analyzed by horology - a science of self-destructing mechanisms of civilization, which make it vulnerable to all kinds of terrorism, including biological and information technology

Authors and Affiliations

А. І. Лімборська


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  • EP ID EP433865
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-143-148
  • Views 130
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How To Cite

А. І. Лімборська (2018). Постапокаліптичне майбутнє і доля цивілізації в контексті нової готики: роман «Дорога» Кормака Маккарті. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 143-148. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433865