Postępowanie w przypadkach wznowy brodawczaka odwróconego nosa i zatok przynosowych po leczeniu operacyjnym w materiale Kliniki Otolaryngologii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 7


Introduction: Inverted papilloma is benign epidermal neoplasm of not recognized etiology. The lesion is estimated to represent 0.5-4% of sinonasal tumors. Generally inverted papilloma is unilateral, arises from the lateral nasal wall and characterizes with local destruction and rapid growth. The tumor can possibly undergo malignant transformation. The treatment of choice is surgery, recently endoscopic approach is considered to be superior to the open approach. The aim of study: was evaluation of recurrent inverted papilloma treatment results in the experience of Otolaryngology Department, Medical University of Warsaw, from 1982 to 2009. Material: The group of 124 patient (66 men and 58 women) aged from 26 to 79 with inverted papilloma operated between 1982 and 2009 were enrolled in the study. Follow up was from 6 months to 27 years. Results: Most common primary localization of the tumor was combined lateral nasal wall and maxillary sinus (42%). In 37% the lesion involved unilaterally the lateral nasal wall, maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinuses, rarely it was localized only in the lateral nasal wall (16.1%) and exclusively in the nasal septum (4.8%). All the patients were treated surgically, 46% of patients underwent endoscopic procedure, 37.1% lateral rhinotomy, 15% Denker rhinotomy and 1.6% midfacial degloving. Recurrence was observed in 15.3% including 57.9% after endoscopic surgery, 26% after Denker operation and 15.8% after lateral rhinotomy. Malignant transformation was observed in 5 patient (4%). All the patients with recurrent inverted papilloma were treated surgically, 5.3% of patient underwent midfacial degloving, 5.3% Caldwell- Luc operation, 10.5% endoscopic procedure, 26.3% Denker operation and 52.6% lateral rhinotomy. Conclusions: 1. Endonasal and open approach should be considered in the surgical treatment of recurrent inverted papilloma. 2. Endoscopic approach is preferred in the recent years but qualifi cation for each method should depend on lesion localization, extent and volume. 3. Regular follow-up enables early recurrence diagnosis and treatment.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Oksana Wojas, Jagna Nyckowska, Piotr Chęciński, Ewelina Sielska-Badurek, Antoni Bruzgielewicz, Paweł Szwedowicz, Kazimierz Niemczyk


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Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Oksana Wojas, Jagna Nyckowska, Piotr Chęciński, Ewelina Sielska-Badurek, Antoni Bruzgielewicz, Paweł Szwedowicz, Kazimierz Niemczyk (2010). Postępowanie w przypadkach wznowy brodawczaka odwróconego nosa i zatok przynosowych po leczeniu operacyjnym w materiale Kliniki Otolaryngologii Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Otolaryngologia Polska, 64(7), 73-76.