Postindustrial economy: conceptual features of development and strategy of economic growth of the leading countries
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
The main purpose of this article is to compare the conditions for the development of the economies of a number of leading countries in relation to the conditions and peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the postindustrial economy. As a research object, a number of leading countries of the world were chosen, and the subject of the study was the features and prospects for the development of their economies. The article clarifies the modern understanding of the postindustrial economy and specifies a number of key factors that predetermined its formation and development. The conceptual features of the theory of postindustrial economy development are determined and its significance is shown to justify the current trends in the development of the world economy. On an example of such countries as India, China and the USA fundamental differences in development of their economies in modern conditions are revealed. Separately analyzed is the state of the Russian economy, since its development is constrained by the negative impact of sanctions restrictions and for this reason it cannot be placed on a par with the conditions of functioning with other countries. It is concluded that the current state of development of the Russian economy gives grounds for optimism in connection with successful implementation of import substitution strategies and programs and modernization of domestic industries in key sectors, which opens up additional opportunities for the development of private business, creation of new jobs and employment of the able-bodied of the country’s population.
Authors and Affiliations
Sergey Larin, N. Sokolov
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