Повноваження прокурора при представництві інтересів держави в суді через передбачені законом форми
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 3
У статті проаналізовано правові норми чинного законодавства та погляди вчених щодо повноважень прокурора при здійсненні представництва інтересів держави в суді. Звернено увагу на важливість у представницькій діяльності визначити суть порушених інтересів держави та дослідити питання, пов’язані зі строками позовної давності й припинальними строками. Розкрито правовий статус прокурора через встановлені законом форми представництва інтересів держави в суді. Implementing functions of the prosecution of Ukraine concerning representation of state interests in court, the prosecutor’s activity is aimed at protection of the rights and general interests of the society and state. The activity of a prosecution outside the criminal scope is widely practiced in the CIS countries and in most EU countries, such as Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, Hungary, France, Poland, Bulgaria and others. In Ukraine, the representative activities of a prosecutor in court is stipulated in the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine On Prosecution and procedural law. Thus, the representation of the interests of the state in court by a prosecutor as one of the functions of prosecution is reinforced at the constitutional level, performed by a special authority on behalf of the state in exceptional cases on the grounds and manner specified by the law. In this regard, a legislator should focus on the representation grounds in Article 131-1 of the Constitution of Ukraine and Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine On Prosecution indicating that the prosecution carries out the function of representation of the interests of the state in court in exceptional cases on the grounds and manner specified by law. The prosecutor represents the state's interests in court only after confirmation of the reasons for representation by the court and provision of evidence of non-compliance or improper performance of its defense by a relevant authority, or it is prevented because of the absence of the subject of authority, which is authorized to protect the legitimate interests of the state. It should be noted that in the previous edition of the Law of Ukraine On Prosecution dated November 5, 1991 there was not provided the representation of the state interests in court only after its confirmation by the court. The practical experience of the representative activity and the European legislation indicate of such a requirement to be undue which was laid down in the Law of Ukraine On Prosecution dated October 14, 2014. The procedural legislation of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine On Prosecution assigned the prosecutor’s legal status, by which he/she has a right to implement forms of representation of the state interests in court.
Authors and Affiliations
Євген Анатолійович Безкровний
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