Powstrzymywanie ZSRR jako jeden z celów polityki zagranicznej USA wobec Bliskiego Wschodu w okresie zimnej wojny

Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


The goal of the following article is to point out how the American administrations strived to the most important aim of their foreign policy, which was the cointainment of USSR influence in the Middle East. The Author shows why Middle East became the area of particular interest and the contraditions between superpowers, their ideological rivalry for influence and the operations for gaining allies among the states of region. Moreover, the Author refers to the genesis of Washington’s interest in this part of the world and describes the instruments of foreign policy that American ruling elites used to contain USSR influence in the Middle East in the times of bipolar order.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Czornik


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Czornik (2013). Powstrzymywanie ZSRR jako jeden z celów polityki zagranicznej USA wobec Bliskiego Wschodu w okresie zimnej wojny. Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 11(1), 125-152. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-189538