The article presents and describes the implementation of EU directives on public procurement in Poland and the Czech Republic. Selected aspects of the Polish and Czech public procurement market and their problems.
The subject of this article is the question of the social consequences of economic migration. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in theircountries but in the long term perspective mass migrations of cit...
EP ID EP189969
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Stanisła Musiał (2008). Poznawcze i instytucjonalne aspekty politologii w Świecie i Polsce. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 6(6),
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The article presents and describes the implementation of EU directives on public procurement in Poland and the Czech Republic. Selected aspects of the Polish and Czech public procurement market and their problems.
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The subject of this article is the question of the social consequences of economic migration. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in theircountries but in the long term perspective mass migrations of cit...