Praca Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego na przykładzie województwa zachodniopomorskiego
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2016, Vol 200, Issue 10
The legal basis of the establishment and operation of Road Transport Inspection (ITD) is presented. ITD organizational structure, Its tasks and powers are presented. Activities performer on the roads by West Pomeranian Regional Inspectorate of Road Transport are characterized. Outlines of the vehicle control plans on the West Pomeranian Province roads are briefly presented. Main checkpoints and car fleet used during the inspection is characterized. Critical assessment of the methods used for control of road vehicles by Road Transport Inspection is made.
Authors and Affiliations
Z. Matuszak, W. Witorzeńć, M. Jaśkiewicz, J. Stokłosa, K. Zielonka
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